Gender and Defamation in York 1660-1700

Walsingham Cooke v. James Kitching

Reference: CP.H.4379

Year: 1695

Plaintiff: male

Defendant: male

Defamatory words:

he was a rogue a whoremaster and a whoremasterly rogue and a cheate, and he kept false dies

Tagged: cheat, rogue, whoremaster


NB: these transcriptions are a work in progress and are provided without any guarantees of accuracy; checking the original documents wherever possible (via the reference links above) is recommended.

Common abbreviations:

  • exte: examinate (the witness being examined)
  • arlate, arte: articulate (ie, person referred to in the articles of accusation)


Catherine Cooke, York, 21 yrs,

... upon the 15th day of January last pst... she this dept being in her father's shop in Whipma Whapme-gate... heard the arte James Kitching who was then in the open street call the arte Walsingham Cooke rogue & cheate and he further said that he was a rogue and a cheateing rogue and that he kept false dyes to cheate people wch all with severall other scandalous reflecting and diffamatory words... [in the presence of]this dept... Hannah Halliday & severall other people who were standing in the said street...

... beleives that the arte Walsingham Cooke is much injured & wronged and his credit & repuatcon~ much lessened & impaired by reason of speakeing the words...

[she is Walsingham Cooke's daughter]

Hannah Halliday, York, 23 yrs, spinster

... on the 15th day of January last past... she this dept being in the open street called Whipmi Whopmie-gate... heard the arte Walshingham Cooke & James Kitching scowlding together in the sd open street & she sayes & deposeth that the sd James Kitching did then & there in an angry & passionate manner call the sd Walshingham Cooke rogue and cheate and an old rogue & cheate & further said that he was an old cheat and that he kept false dyes to cheate people with.... [etc, repeated in presence of named witnesses and several others in the street]...

...[believes cook's reputation has been damaged etc]